Hello! My name is Sergi Parra, and I am one of the coders inside Angry Frog, the team behind Dungeon Brawler. My main task inside Angry Frog was to create the backbone for our game.
When starting the project I coded most parts of the engine from scratch, though based on prior projects. My objective doing so was to provide a strong backbone to the game engine to avoid further errors relating to the main modules. I coded the audio, input, filesystem, render, window and texture modules.
I was also responsible for coding the game camera, as well as the character's state machine.
The camera works by not changing the logic of the game (every calculation is still done at real scale) but then rendering everything that the camera is pointing at and changing its scale to fit in the screen. If a character tries to move away from the camera, the camera will check if it can move without making any character disappear from view and then acts accordingly.