Photo of Me

My name is Lucas García Mateu. I'm the leader of Angry Frog, team responible for Dungeon Brawler. As a leader I have worked mostly on the design and programming of the game, and done most of the managing tasks.

Managing: Organizing the milestones, meetings, external and internal communication of the team

Design: Along with Genís Bayó, design of the moveset of the four playable characters, universal mechanics of the game and frame data of every attack in the game

- Code to manage the base character, except for the state machine skeleton (Sergi Parra) and the character's jump (Pol Ferrando)
- Collider system
- Projectile system
- Warrior, along with Cristian Palos (st_s2, cr_s2) and Genís Bayó(cr_s1)
- Mage
- Paladin
- Helping on Rogue (st_s2 and bugfixing)
- Helping in most of the bugfixing